A unique consulting organization,
SoyaDairy is devoted to the processing of soymilk and its derivative
soya-dairy foods. It provides the services of a team of independent
experts with extensive technical, processing, and marketing experience.
independence of this team is critical. Traditionally,
soymilk processors could rely only on the advice of the equipment
manufacturers. Besides the question of objectivity, even the best
advice from manufacturers is difficult for the client to compare
with competing data, costs, etc. from other manufacturers. SoyaDairy
accepts no commissions or fees from equipment manufacturers, and
is exclusively concerned with the needs of the processor.
focus is on developing countries. This is because of
the global need and the background of our principal consultants.
We have had broad experience in many developing markets. The technical
requirements of many processors can even be matched with good-quality,
economical equipment which is produced in other developing countries.
The nutritional benefits of soya are greatly required worldwide,
but in particular where malnutrition is endemic. Sustainable and
healthy nutrition are the best foundation for successful food businesses